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Get ready to meet the most unwelcome guests – mice and rats! These creatures might be small, but they can create a big mess. They're like the ultimate climbers, making their way into homes and even industries. But here's the kicker: they're not exactly the tidiest pals. These guys are pretty filthy and can cause serious damage – not just to your property, but also to your precious food stores, whether it's at home or in the food industry.

Now, picture this: mice and rats aren't just troublemakers, they're like little disease-carriers on a mission. They contaminate food with their droppings, urine, and even their bite marks. It's like they're throwing a gross party in your pantry! And that's not all – they're known to spread fleas and ticks too.

So, how can you tell if these critters have decided to make your place their new hangout? Keep an eye out for their little "gifts" – you'll find their droppings all around the kitchen cabinets and close to heat sources. And guess what? They're not just summer visitors; these guys are here for the long haul. They'll move in during the winter to escape the cold.

But here's the silver lining: with some proactive action, you can show these pests who's boss. Keep an eye out for signs of their presence, seal up entry points, and consider seeking professional help. Remember, your home should be a sanctuary, not a mouse-ridden mess!

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