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Let's explore the buzzing world of flies – those tiny winged creatures that can sometimes bug us a lot. Flies come in different types and can be a real bother. What's tricky is that they're always on the move, which can lead to spreading yucky stuff and even diseases (yikes! House flies are like little disease delivery folks, carrying around more than 30 types of germs).

Now, meet the superstar of flies: the house fly, and its buddy, the cluster fly. You can tell them apart by their fancy wings – house flies show off their wings wide open, while cluster flies keep theirs in a cozy overlap when they take a break. Here's a cool tip: cluster flies love to have their fun from August to September, when the weather is warm and inviting. They're like your autumn pals!

Guess where these cluster flies like to hang out? In wall spaces and window frames, just having a blast. And when the sun decides to shine, they step out for some fresh air. So, if you want to stay one step ahead, keep an eye out for these winged visitors and make sure your home stays fly-free and comfy.

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